Monday, March 16, 2009


Good Day,

Please i need your help. I am Building my Official Site and i need TESTIMONIALS from Mentors,
Partners, and Friends that i respect and that i know believes in BASOLA VICTOR as a Global Brand.

Please send me your 3-4 lines Comments and Testimonials on BASOLA VICTOR including your company name and position TO or to 234-703-5121-346 on or before Thursday this week so that I can upload by Friday.

Thanks as you help in Building the BASOLA VICTOR Brand.

Basola A. Victor

Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO)

BASH Concepts International


Good Day,

Please i need your help. I am Building my Official Site and i need TESTIMONIALS from Mentors, Partners, and Friends that i respect and that i know believes in BASOLA VICTOR as a Global Brand.

Please send me your 3-4 lines Comments and Testimonials on BASOLA VICTOR including your company name and position on or before Thursday this week so that I can upload over by Friday.

Thanks as you help in Building the BASOLA VICTOR Brand.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



Basola A. Victor

There is a very real possibility that everything you and I have been taught about how to earn money is so far from the truth that it’s almost comical. Earning money has nothing to do with age, formal education, gender or geography. It has nothing to do with past experience or your formal years of education or your level of intellect. There are individuals who are functionally illiterate who have become multimillionaires, while there are others who are absolutely brilliant and they are broke. Virtually anyone can be taught how to earn millions of dollars and yet the sad truth is that 97 out of every 100 people are born, live their entire lives, and die without ever learning how to earn money. To perpetuate this ridiculous problem, their ignorance is passed along from one generation to the next.
Our school system has been designed as an environment to enlighten young minds, to replace ignorance with understanding and ultimately improve the quality of life. And though our educational system has obviously been successful in many areas, it has woefully neglected one important subject, ''How to Earn Money.'' A lack of understanding in this area is the cause of numerous unwanted and unnecessary problems, since money is the medium of exchange that is used worldwide for other people’s products and services.
There has always been a small, select group, approximately 3% of our population, who clearly understand that prosperity consciousness is the primary cause of wealth and their prosperity consciousness, like ignorance, is also passed down from one generation to the next.
Let’s look at ''money.'' What is it? Money is a reward you receive for the service you render. The more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will not only help us earn more money, it will also enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually.


The paper you fold and place in your purse or pocket is not money. It is paper with ink on it. It represents money, but it is not money. Money is an idea. The earning of money has nothing to do with the paper stuff, it has to do with consciousness.
To accumulate wealth, a person must become very comfortable with the idea of money. That may sound strange, however most people are not comfortable with the idea of money, which is why they do not have any. The cause of poverty is poverty consciousness. A poverty consciousness will cause a person to see, hear, think and feel ... lack and limitation.

The late Mike Todd said, ''Being broke is a temporary situation. Being poor is a mental state.''

He was correct. There are wealthy people who lose every cent they have through a series of mistakes in judgment, but that does not make them poor. They will have it all back in a short time because of their prosperity consciousness.
Many years ago, George Bernard Shaw expressed his thoughts on money. People have such strong views on both of these statements, I purposely use them in my seminars to cause the attendees to think.
It is the duty of every person to be rich.
It is a sin to be poor.
Before you reject these as being ridiculous, let’s analyze them. To fully understand what Shaw was saying, you must have an open mind. There is a law that states everything is moving, absolutely nothing rests. You are either moving ahead in life or going in reverse ... growing or dying ... creating or disintegrating, becoming richer or poorer.
There is another law to which people often refer in many different ways ... Karmic Law ... Sowing and Reaping ... Cause and Effect ... Action, Re-Action. How you refer to this law is of little importance relative to your understanding of how it works.
The thoughts, feelings, and actions that you express in life are seeds that you sow. The conditions, circumstances and things that come into your life are the harvest you reap as a RESULT of the seeds that you sow. For a moment, store this information in the back of your mind while we investigate the deeper understanding of the words SIN and MONEY.
Sin is ... transgression of the law. Violating the law is a sin and, in truth, the price of sin is death. That does not mean your heart will stop beating, but it does mean you will regress. I previously mentioned there is a law that states you will either create or disintegrate, you will grow or die. When you attempt to ''get'' without giving, you are trying to reap the harvest without sowing the seeds, and it will not work.
Now let’s look at ''money.'' What is it? Money is a reward you receive for the service you render; the more valuable the service, the greater the reward. Attempting to ''get'' money without providing service is also a violation of the law.
Shaw believed you and I are here to serve one another. Thinking of ways we can be of greater service will enable us to grow intellectually and spiritually. It is our duty to serve and money is a reward we receive for that service. If a person has received their money in an unlawful manner - by law, they must pay the price; you reap what you sow.
In light of the laws that govern our universe, what Shaw said is correct. However, if a person is not consciously thinking, Shaw’s statements would appear very callous, even ridiculous. Personally, I believe Shaw made those statements the way he did, to provoke people to think.
Quite simply, what Shaw was emphasizing was the importance of our own responsibility in the quest for abundance. Abundance is something we magnetize ourselves to ... we draw it into our lives ... in every aspect our lives. Business associates, friends, everything we want will come into our life by law, not luck. You are either attracting or repelling good. It is your own consciousness that ultimately determines your results.
''Money is in consciousness and it must be earned.'' If you want to improve your financial position in life, focus your attention on creating a higher level of prosperity consciousness. Begin by preparing a powerful, positive affirmation and fuel it with emotion. When you do this, you are depositing this creative energy in the treasury of your subconscious mind. And, by repeating this process over and over and over again every day, it will begin to alter your conditioning and mentally move you in the direction you want to go. Write it out, read it, feel it, and let it take hold of your mind.
How much money do you want? Saying you want more is not good enough. Five dollars is more. How much more? Decide on a figure. Be specific. You will not seriously want more money than you are capable of earning ... however, you would be wise to remember, you must earn it.


Trading time for money – By far the worst of the three income earning strategies, it is employed by approximately 96% of our population – doctors, lawyers, accountants, laborers, etc. There is an inherent problem with this strategy – saturation. You run out of time. If a person accumulates any degree of wealth employing this strategy, it will be at the expense of a life. They compromise on the car they drive, the house they live in, the clothes they choose and the vacations they take. They rarely, if ever, get what they want.
Investing money to earn money – This strategy is used by approximately 3% of the population. The number is small for the obvious reason – very few people have any money to invest. Many people who effectively employ this strategy follow the advice of a trusted, knowledgeable advisor.
Leveraging yourself to earn money – This is where you multiply your time through the efforts of others by setting up Multiple Sources of Income (MSIs). This is, without question, the very best way to increase your income. Make a decision to have many sources of income; it’s the strategy that wealthy people have used dating clear back to the ancient Babylonians. Unfortunately, this strategy is only used by approximately 1% of our population, yet that 1% earns approximately 96% of all the money that is earned! You are only a decision away from membership.
Once you determine how much money you want to earn, write it down on a sheet of paper in large figures. Look at the number with the dollar sign beside it and tell yourself over and over again:


Take the total figure and divide it into multiple parts. Let each part represent a source of income. Each source of income represents a separate reward that you would receive for a service you would render. Work on one source of income at a time; each one can become an exciting part of your life.
Think of how you can do whatever you do – more effectively.
Think of how you can improve the quality and quantity of service you render.
Think of how you can help people in a greater way.
Money is a servant; the more you earn, the more you can help others.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Keys to Becoming a Successful Consultant

Keys to Becoming a Successful Consultant

With deference to Dr. Covey and his very popular Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (all habits that will make us better consultants!), here are eight skills that all of us as consultants can work on to improve.

This article will start with three overarching skills, then describe five more specific skills to consider in your ongoing development.One way to look at your total skill set as a consultant (internal or external), is to consider your relative strengths in the three major portions of our work: designing "it", delivering "it", and selling "it".

These three skills represent the complete package for a consultant, regardless of what your expertise (your "it") is.

The Complete Package:Designing "It"

This is our technical expertise. This is the "stuff" we learn in classes and through experience and practice. It is the front end of our work in most cases. While we cannot underestimate the importance of these skills (and the need to continue to upgrade them), we also can't be content if these skills are top-notch. They are not enough.Delivering "It"This is the other mega-skill that many of us are very comfortable with. Once we've designed our "product", we have to be able to deliver it. This is the skill set that is often most evident to our clients, or is what we tell people we do when they ask us our profession. Again, this skill set is critical, but alone it isn't enough.Selling "It" This skill, in my experience, is the one most often in need of improvement. While many books have been written about this skill set, there is one key, which by itself will improve your success in selling your work. If you will always focus on client/customer benefits, rather than product/process features, you will improve your success immediately. Features are components of your product or service.

Examples include:
Number of modules
Your Experience

People don't buy features they buy benefits. All of us know this at some level, but seldom focus on turning the important features of our offerings into true benefits. To assume that your client/customer will figure out the benefit, is to lower your chance of selling your potential product or idea.Some Specific Skills to Consider:ContractingThis is another skill that requires a book to discuss well and which requires planning and practice to improve. Getting clear agreements with clients up front about what the work is, what the desired outcomes are, and what your role is, is what contracting is all about.

Relationship Building:

Building relationships are important in all three of the major skill areas. In designing, you need to build relationships in order to gain the organizational information you need to design effectively. In delivering you need to be able to have good relationships with those involved, to lead to a more successful outcome. In selling, it's important to remember that selling is a relationship process. People buy other people and believe in their ability to deliver.Having a focus on relationships is more than building rapport, which can happen quite rapidly. Building relationships is long term focused and requires considerable commitment.Warning: Building relationships with individuals is important, but recognize that if your focus is on only one person in an organization, when they are gone (get promoted, get a new job, are downsized out, or whatever) you have lost your leverage to help the organization. So, remember to build a network of relationships within your client organizations.

Separating Process from Content

It is so important to maintain perspective while in the client organization. Clients will focus on the content (of a meeting, the product, the outputs from your study, or whatever), but if the process matters aren't attended to, outcomes can be compromised.Working on your ability to step back and recognize what is happening at the group dynamics and interpersonal level will improve your success. Clients don't always know that they need this, but they will almost always recognize that you "did something" to make things go better when you can point to, and improve the process, while sharing the content of your work. This skill is often the key to additional work or referrals.Socratic QuestioningSocrates is immortalized at least in part for his teaching approach of asking a line of questions that leads the student to discover answers for themselves. When you clients discover answers to their problems, rather than simply hear them from you, they will own the answers. Their ability to hold onto the concepts, apply them, and improve their situation will skyrocket. Improving your ability to help them discover (through the use of Socratic questioning), is a critical, though often overlooked skill. Using more questions will cause you to lose the feeling of power that you are providing the "right" answer. But the client gains far more than you lose. While you may feel like you are losing emotionally, you win with the client, and probably strengthen your relationship with them too.Saying "No!"Most of us need to improve our ability to say this. Of course we can physically say it, (OK, just for practice, say it three times right now - out loud!) but we all know we don't always say it when we wish we had!Improving your judgment on when to use this word will help you in three important ways, time management, happiness level, and client success.Time ManagementMany of your time management problems stem from trying to do too much. When people (clients, peers, anyone) ask you to do something that you don't feel you are best suited for, or don't really want to do, use your word!Happiness LevelWhen we focus our energy on the things we really want to or need to be doing (rather than just the things people ask us to do or we feel we should do), we will be happier! Say it to help you preserve and honor your priorities.Client SuccessThere are times that a client may ask you for something ("We just need this [you fill in the blank]") that you know, or strongly believe is the wrong thing. These are the times to step back and be genuine. Help them understand your perspective, and focus them on the outcome, not the suggested solution. In these cases, you might not be saying "no", exactly, but it is what you really mean!If you feel a team is ready for such a discussion, pull out this list of attributes and have a team discussion on how well people feel their team is doing on each of these dimensions, the discussion can be enlightening and help the team move its performance to even higher levels.

Till we meet again, go be the solutions to your world.

Basola A. Victor
Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO)
BASH Concepts International
Warri, Nigeria

Seven Formulas For Business Success

Seven Formulas For Business Success

By: Basola A. Victor

Visualize Your Goals

There are seven formulas for business success. Number one, set a specific goal and visualize it as a reality. Play the picture of your goal as already realized on the screen of your mind over and over again.

Number two, look for a problem you can solve with a product or service that is high quality and good value. All successful businesses are based on products or services that are high quality and good value. Number three, start small and learn your business thoroughly. Be patient.

Invest time rather than a lot of money.Bootstrap Your Way To SuccessOne of the best ways to build a business is to start off on a bootstrap. This means that you start off with very little mo ney and you grow your business with the mo ney that you ear n in the business, rather than outside financing, borr owing, l oans from friends and so on.

Test, Test, TestNumber four, test every major move before you invest in it. Test, test, test. Don't plunge into a business. Move ahead carefully, one step at a time.

Number five, expand on the basis of your successes, out of your profits, as you move along. In other words, only expand your business on mo ney that you've earned in the business, not on borrowed capital.

Pick Your People CarefullyNumber

six, carefully select the people to help you expand and grow. The biggest mistakes you'll ever make will be in picking the wrong people to work with, so be very, very careful in picking the people you're going to work with in your business.Use Fin ancial LeverageAnd number seven, use fin ancial leverage. Fin ancial leverage is business borr owing, lines of cre dit from the bank, which are based on the cas h flow from your successful business. The whole aim of starting a business is to develop a consistent, predictable source of cas h flow in excess of cost and expenses and then to hold to the mo ney. Banks will lend you all the mo ney that you can service as deb t with your cas h flow.Start Off Part TimeOne final thing that you can do, and I've recommended that many people do this over the years, is if you're starting off with no mo ney, go to work part-time for a business in a field that interests you. It's a great form of on-the-job training. Work evenings or work week ends. Or work on your holidays if you like. Sometimes a business that looks big from the outside will look terrible once you start working for it. But sometimes when you start working for a business, you start to get a great understanding of how it works and you get insights on how you can improve it.Learn What You Need To LearnRemember this, though, most businesses fail because of manager incompetence. So take the time to learn what you need to know to succeed. Be patient. The time you invest before you start will pay off over and over again in the months and years ahead.Action Ex ercisesHere are two things you can do immediately to implement these formulas for business success: First, be prepared. The number one reason that people succeed in starting their own businesses is that they have the knowledge and experience, in advance that they need to succeed. Do your homework. Second, start small. Some people think that they can be successful faster by putting all their money up front at the very beginning. The opposite is true. Start small and grow out of your cas h flow from successful operations.

Till we meet again, go be the solutions to your world.

Basola A. Victor

Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO)

BASH Concepts International

Warri, Nigeria


Starting and Marketing Your Consulting Firm, (Basola A. Victor )

Starting and Marketing Your Consulting Firm

If you are just launching a consulting practice, thinking of doing so, or have been in business for a while but client projects are stagnant, it pays to evaluate your chosen approaches to practice management and consider less orthodox strategies so as to ramp things up. Even in slow times, there are many methods for insuring consulting success and keeping you profitable while your competition struggles to pay the bills. The way you answer four questions in particular could spell the difference between mediocre business flow and stunning success.

Question #1: What Business Are You In?

Defining your market niche and value proposition ("value prop") is essential for great consulting success. You must not look like everybody else; you must find a way to emphasize a value-added. As an actuarial, to simply proclaim that you offer "accuracy" may not be enough, as that benefit is likely the minimum expected from all our clients.
Focusing on the insurance industry, Maria Thomson FSA, MAAA (Thomson Management Solutions) provides guidance on streamlining and speeding up the underwriting process, an obviously potential competitive advantage for those insurers who make a commitment to learn how. Other value props might be such simple value-addeds as "fast service" or "personal service" or "deep experience with problems in YOUR industry."
Choosing the right value prop will affect your company image, making you more attractive than your competitors who merely offer "accuracy" or imply no special extra value at all. My plumber runs an ad in my local paper which states "I want to be your family's plumber!" That simple commitment held great appeal for me, declaring that my household would be taken care of whenever a toilet overflowed, not forgotten or told to "Wait until Monday."
The other piece about company image is how you project your value. Are you the usual charge-by-the-hour variety or are you, instead, worth something more? To attain the latter, consider a value-based system of billing. This may mean a retainer arrangement or perhaps payment by-the-project. The benefit to this could be reaping more profit overall as well as instilling client loyalty second to none. Of course, this approach also demands your clients indeed view your value as dwelling on a higher plane than your run-of-the-mill competitors. Achieving that of course brings back again to your selection of value-prop and value-added. Recommended reading: Million Dollar Consulting by Alan Weiss (McGraw-Hill).

Question #2: How Have You Organized Your Practice?

Getting organized in a way that prevents your getting distracted from what should be your priorities, i.e., client projects, prospecting, keeping up with trends and new professional knowledge. You should blend your work and family life in such a way that your practice is not your life! In this regard, consider these points:

Get and update technological tools:

Do you have a powerful desktop, laptop, needed software, cell phone, PDA, fax machine, DSL etc.? You will know best which tools are most useful for you, but be sire to invest in them as best you can and keep them up-to-date.
Arrange an office: Whether inside or outside your home, set up a specific office space so that you can be psychologically in tune with your work. If you plan to see clients in your office, an outside office makes sense but if you always travel to your clients' sites, it's OK to have your office in your home.

See time as an ally: Time management is the real killer but nonetheless a beast that can be contained. One strategy is to see time as an ally not an enemy. As Duke Ellington once said, "I don't need more time; I need a deadline!" See your looming #1 priorities, recognized typically by their due dates, as little voices designed to nudge you along toward completion of your most urgent projects. Can certain phone calls, emails, lunch meetings be postponed for a few hours or a few days? Usually the answer is yes, so do so and get on with those tasks that simply MUST be done.

Question #3: Do You Stand Out from the Crowd?

Once you have defined and honed your value prop, and organized your practice it's time to spread the good news about what you have to offer. Traditionally, a good brochure with a logo and company name are the first steps, as well as at least a modest website. Since consulting is such a people business, my personal bias is to forgo the bells and whistles of jazzy, dazzling websites and overblown four-color brochures in favor of materials more simplified.
A website with 8-10 pages that explain the essentials (company description and value prop, credentials of you and your team, client testimonials, how to contact you, etc.) should be sufficient to get you launched, and a one or two-page, two-color brochure of similar composition will complete the job.
Your company name can be a reflection of what you do ("Smith Actuarial Services") or simply state your own name ("John Smith & Associates"), and your logo (optional) can be any symbol or graphic you like. I don't think it matters much what you choose because these are merely anchors for people to remember you by. The real key to standing out from the crowd is found in how you position yourself with your target market.

Many consultants wonder if effective means for doing so might involve traditional awareness methods like advertising or cold calls. But as department store magnate John Wannamaker once remarked, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. I just wish I could identify which half."

And cold calls, though when all is said and done DO work, they usually succeed only after an exceptionally high volume of calls, with the good leads requiring many follow-ups and harder selling jobs than most of us mere mortal consultants would care to endure.
So what marketing approach is truly worth your time, effort and expense? Here's a three-step approach:
Relationship Management - Spend 40% of your rainmaking efforts interacting with real people. Attend events of professional groups populated by your natural market, network with likely prospects you meet there, set up alliances with "influencers," i.e., professionals who would not actually employ you but regularly interact with those who would, remember that relationships mean ongoing contact, so don't forget to find ways to keep reminding your contacts that you're still around (and available for hire!). Recommended reading: Powerskills: Building Top-Minded Relationships for Bottom-Line Results by Jim Masciarelli (Nimbus Press).
Thoughtleading - To truly stand out from the crowd, become a leading thinker in your area. Publish articles or even a book, speak before professional groups (of all kinds), conduct a survey from time to time on a vexing issue in your target industry and publicize the results, develop provocative ideas. Business editors and meeting planners are eager to hear from all of us on topics relevant to their readership or event attendees, so pitch your article ideas and speaking topics on a regular basis and watch yourself emerge as an industry "thought leader." Since few (if any) of your competition will be doing the same, you will rise above the crowd almost by default.

Creative Use of the Internet - Promote your articles, speaking gigs, services, survey results, provocative ideas over the Internet. Send out news releases via such outlets as Business Wire, create an e-list of your contacts and regularly send an e-newsletter and/or short messages, linking all such e-promos to your website. This drives traffic there, increasing your odds for new business.

Question #4: How's Your Attitude?

It's been said many times that the Chinese have the same word/symbol for both "crisis" and "opportunity." With this in mind, such crises as losing clients, slow economic times, industry dilemmas should be viewed as opportunities-in-the-making. The various Enron ethics scandal of the last few years prompted Dan Cassidy FSA, an employee benefits consultant (his value prop), to publish articles in business journals on why Boards of Directors should get directly involved in evaluating the implications of their company's current pension plan, and proposing or monitoring changes (when they occur) to pension plan formulas.
A second point as regards attitude is the matter of cost-cutting, especially in tough times. Most companies cut back their marketing efforts first, or stop investing in knowledge growth. At times when new business needs to be found, promotion and thought leadership represent the most critical areas for you to be sure you keep going! Take care then in what you cut and what you continue to invest in.

Finally, your attitude about what you can achieve and how it will improve your life and personal well-being must remain sharp and brimming with health. Are you taking vacations? Are you spending fun time with your family? Do you still have any friends? Do you read not-financial books or articles, go see deliciously banal movies, get downright wacky every once in a while, letting go your professional cloak?

These sorts of actions are mandatory if you are to keep your perspective in balance, your mind sharp and your energy high. Burnout occurs when we begin feeling we have no control over our work, that each day is yet another endless stream of mind-numbing tasks that others are expecting you to fulfill. Burnout leads to failure, which leads to more burnout, a terrifying loop.
The secret to your consulting success will thus be found in getting away from it on a regular basis and experiencing that non-consulting you. By paying attention to this fifth "bonus" question, all the rest will fall into place and consulting success will be yours, today, tomorrow and throughout each year.

Building a Professional Service Firm

In January of 1998 I left my position as a high school math teacher for Fenton University High School and set out on my own to form a consulting firm, The Coughlin Company, Inc., that would specialize in enhancing the effectiveness of top performing executives. Over the past 38 months I have tried many ideas, failed often, always learned and along the way worked with corporations such as McDonald's Corporation, The Coca-Cola Company, Marriott International, Eli Lilly, IKON Office Solutions, Fenton Cardinals, SBC Communications, Gundaker Realtors and many, many others. What follows are some of the most important concepts I've learned for building a professional services firm from scratch.


This is critical to your success. Your internal foundation consists of your self-esteem (the value you see within yourself), self-confidence (your expectation for success), self-discipline (your ability to do what you say you will do), personal integrity (your ability to do what you say is the right thing to do) and personal initiative (your ability to move an idea into action.) These five components are the basis of your long-term success. You must see the value you have within you before you will ever be able to offer value to a customer.


Clarity is the ability to see and communicate things clearly. Why does your business exist? How do you deliver value? What value do you deliver? If you were ultimately successfully in your business, what would success look like for you, your customers and their customers? What are your 3 most important priorities? Without clarity, your efforts will go in ten directions and you will become less effective. With clarity, you can drive better results in your highest priorities.


Value is anything that increases the chances that another person will achieve what they want to achieve. Your job is to add value. I don't think of myself as a consultant, professional speaker or executive coach. I think of myself as a value adder. All of my marketing is value-based marketing. By that, I mean that every time I interact with another person I want to add value in the form of clear and practical suggestions. This can be done in a conversation, in an e-mail, in an article, in a presentation, in facilitating a meeting, in a written recap and many other ways.


I don't work with McDonald's, Coca-Cola or Marriott. I work with people who work at these organizations. That is important to keep in mind. The basis of your business is relationships. I'm not talking about someone who buys off your website or contacts you solely through e-mail. I'm talking about real-life relationships with people. And I'm also talking about relationships based on value where you are increasing their chances of achieving better results in their highest priorities. When you come across an idea that would be of value to that person, send it on to them. This could be in the form of an article or a story or an idea that popped into your head. Meet with them for lunch and offer more practical suggestions.


Synergy happens when every part of your business supports and promotes every other part of your business. Say, for example, you have an idea that would be of value to your customers and prospects. You could write an article, provide a keynote or workshop or seminar on it, place the article on your website, give the article as a handout at a meeting, insert the idea into a conversation, and connect the idea to several other ideas to make it stronger. If you work in multiple industries, you could take what works well in one industry and apply it to another industry. If you have a testimonial from the vice-president of a major company, you can use that as a credibility builder for another industry. You could get into an organization by speaking on one topic, but then stay around by speaking about several other topics. You can offer value in multiple ways: as a presenter, facilitator, individual coach, telecoaching, coaching via e-mail or voicemail, author of books and videos and audio programs and several other ways. You might get into an organization coaching one person and end up presenting to huge groups of people.


Strategies are guidelines that channel all of your activities, decisions and meetings along the same path toward achieving your vision. So what guidelines do you want in place that will channel your efforts toward achieving your vision? The clearer your strategies are, the better your chances are of hitting the mark. For example, my strategies include: strengthen my internal foundation, expand intellectual breadth, build a brand based on a professional image and value-added marketing, hone my craft and master the proposal process. Everything I do fits within those five strategies. What are yours?


In my opinion, the only consistently fair way to base your fees for both you and the buyer is value-based fees. In other words, the fees have to fit reasonably within the value of the outcomes for the buyer. "Reasonably" means that they are not so high that they are bigger than the value of the outcomes and that they are not so low that you feel the buyer is ripping you off.


Every day try at least one new idea, one new wrinkle in your program, one new approach to a prospect, one new networking event, one new topic, one new book, one new magazine, and/or one new life experience. It will not take very long to double and triple and quadruple your effectiveness and your fee.


Essentially, we are in the business of gaining opportunities to deliver value, delivering the goods and charging appropriately. We never know which door will open for us or how big the room will be so we must constantly search for opportunities. Make a list of everyone who thinks well of you. Write four practical articles that would be of value to them on topics you know well and mail those articles to them with a personal note from you. Always add value and then take on the opportunities that you can. You never know who will introduce you to the right person for the opportunity to add value.


In the end, remember what Stephen King said in his book, On Writing, "Life isn't a support-system for art. It's the other way around." Take 3-4 vacations a year. Reserve your nights for your family and friends. Take time to play and have fun. Laugh a lot. When times seem toughest, go for a walk, get some fresh air and get away from your phone and desk. Always your renewed energy will have a positive impact on your business. Customers want us to be fresh and energized. They expect us to come with solutions, not problems.

Till we meet again, Be the solution to your world.

Basola A. Victor, Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO)


Warri, Nigeria


Thursday, January 8, 2009


Entrepreneurship is the art of finding profitable solutions to problems. Every successful entrepreneur, every successful businessperson has been a person who has been able to identify a problem and come up with a solution to it before somebody else did.

Here are the five rules for entrepreneurship.

Find A Need And Fill It
First, find a need and fill it. Ross Perot, when he was working for IBM, saw that his customers who were buying IBM computers, needed help in processing their data. He went to IBM with this idea and they said they weren't interested, so he started his own business. He eventually sold it out for $2.8 billion dollars. He found a need and he filled it.

Find A Problem And Solve It
The second rule is to find a problem and solve it. A secretary working for a small company began mixing flour with nail varnish in order to white out the mistakes she was making in her typing. Pretty soon, her friends in the same office asked if she could make some for them. So she began mixing it on her kitchen table. Then, people in other offices started asking for it, and she eventually quit her business and worked full time creating what is today called Liquid Paper. A few years ago, she sold her company to Gillette Corporation for 47 million dollars.Look For SolutionsFind a problem and solve it.
Find a problem that everybody's got and see if you can't come up with a solution for it. Find a way to supply a product or a service better, cheaper, faster or easier.
Clemmons Wilson saw that there was a need for hotels that could accommodate families that were traveling, and he started Holiday Inns. And Holiday Inns has now become one of the most successful hotel chains in the world.

Focus On Your Customer
Here's the key to success in business. Become obsessed with your customer. Fixated on your customer. Think of the customer. Think of what the customer wants, what the customer needs. What the customer will pay for, what the customer's problems are. Thomas J. Watson, Senior, the founder of IBM, taught his people and built his company on this principle.

See yourself as working for the customer. Once you've come up with a product or an idea, then start to invest your time, talent and energy instead of your money, to get started.

The Source of Most Great Fortunes
Remember this, most great fortunes in America were started with an idea and with personal efforts. Most great fortunes were started with the sale of personal services. This is called sweat equity. In other words, instead of cash equity, put in sweat equity. Put in the sweat of your brow to begin your business. You can learn valuable lessons operating on a small scale.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action:First, find a need and fill it. Look around you and search for needs that people have for products or services that are not being met. One small idea is enough to start you on the way to business success.Second, find a problem and solve it. Look around you for problems that you or other people have that are not yet being solved. Look for solutions that nobody has thought of and give them a try. One good solution could change the whole direction of your life.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

United Nations Headquarters Internship – Summer 2009

United Nations Headquarters Internship – Summer 2009,


18 Jan 2009 DATE OF ISSUANCE:15 Sep 2008


Department of Management

New York


08-INT-DM-418981-S-NEW YORK

This announcement is for the Summer 2009 Session of the United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme in New York (June - August 2009). There should be no expectation of employment within the UN after an internship. UN interns must have a valid US visa. UN interns are not paid (please disregard the remuneration note below).

RemunerationDepending on professional background, experience and family situation, a competitive compensation and benefits package is offered.More Info

United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity
The internship is unpaid and full-time, i.e. interns work five days per week (9am - 5pm) under the supervision of a staff member in the department or office to which they are assigned.
Daily responsibilities will depend on the individual’s background, the department to which he/she is assigned and the internship period.
Here are some examples: •
Assistance in drafting and preparing official documents
• Attending and summarizing conferences and meetings
• Document, legal and internet research
• Assistance during conferences
• Working on web-presentation
Evaluation of projects
Compiling statistics
• Media analysis
• Speech-writing.

The United Nations Core Competencies are
Planning and Organizing,
, Creativity,
Client Orientation
Commitment to Continuous Learning
and Technological Awareness
Communication – ability to draft clearly and concisely, good written and oral language skills;
Teamwork – good interpersonal skills, ability to work collaboratively with colleagues from different national and cultural backgrounds to achieve organizational goals;
Planning and Organizing - ability to establish priorities, to coordinate one’s own work plan and meet deadlines;
Technological Awareness – good IT skills.

EducationTo qualify for the United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme, the following conditions must be met:
1. Applicants are enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) at the time of application and during the internship; or
2. Applicants pursuing their studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages must have completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree.

Work Experience
Applicants are not required to have professional work experience for participation in the programme. However, work experience in relevant areas is an asset.

Languages: English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. Fluency in spoken and written English and/or French is required for the Internship Programme. Knowledge of an additional official UN language is an asset. English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish are the official languages of the United Nations.

Other SkillsApplicants are encouraged to specify up to three main areas, which relate directly to their studies and/or skills and expertise.
Applicants are also encouraged to clearly indicate their preferences and highlight their specific skills and/or experience in their cover note. They are asked to do so carefully in order to enhance the value of the internship for both themselves and the receiving UN department. Applications of students from developing countries, underrepresented or unrepresented countries in the UN are encouraged.

The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. (Charter of the United Nations - Chapter 3, article 8). English and French are the two working languages of the United Nations Secretariat.

How to apply

All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement. Because applications submitted by United Nations (UN) staff members are considered first, provided the eligibility requirements set out in ST/AI/2006/3 are met and the application is submitted in a timely fashion, staff members should apply within 15-day or 30-day mark. Online applications will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received.
In such cases, please go to “My UN” page and check the status of your application by clicking on “View Application History”, and resubmit the application, if necessary.
To start the application process, applicants are required to register by opening a "My UN" account. Go to Login, and Register as a User. Fill in the form and choose a User Name and Password.

After opening the account, applicants may apply for vacancies using the Personal History Profile (PHP) provided. Once the PHP has been completed for a particular vacancy, it can be saved and used for future applications. The PHP may be up-dated, when necessary, for future applications.
In completing the PHP, please note that all fields marked with an asterisk must be completed.
UN staff members must submit scanned copies of their two latest Performance Appraisal System (PAS) reports at the time of application to the appropriate Human Resources Office (HRO)/Personnel Office (PO) to the email address below, clearly indicating the vacancy announcement number.
In case you have no access to the digitizing equipment, please submit hard copies of the two latest PAS reposts to the relevant HRO/PO via fax.
Please see the Frequently Asked Questions, if you encounter problems when applying.

Friday, January 2, 2009



How time flies, within a twinkle we were shouting and greeting each other "happy new year" amidst joy and happiness that we have crossed over to a brand new year with new hopes and aspirations. There is something about crossing over into a new year; it gives you a feeling of strength and hope that somehow things will be better than it was the previous year.
In as much as we want to reap all the benefits that the New Year will bring, there are congent and important steps we need to take if we want to be strategically positioned for personal and business success in the year 2009 of which Goal setting is vital.
A goal is a dream with a deadline and if you do not have dreams and plans for the New Year, how then can you have a dream come true.

A study of 1953 graduates of a State University clearly demonstrates this point. The graduates were interviewed and asked if they have clear, specific, set and documented goals for life after school. Only 3 percent had such written goals. Twenty years later, the researchers went back and interviewed the surviving members of the 1953 graduating class. They discovered that the three percent with written specific goals were worth more in financial terms than the entire 97% put together who left their destiny to fate. However, the researchers also discovered that the less measurable or more subjective measures such as the level of happiness, fulfillment and joy that the graduates felt also seemed to be superior in the 3% with written goals.

This is the power of goal setting, it helps you to focus and succeed faster. According to John M. Goddard "If you really know what you want in life, it’s amazing how opportunities will come to enable you carry them out"
To strategize and make the most of the New Year in both your personal and Business, you have to;

Decide exactly what you want in every area of your life

Deciding exactly what you want in every area of your life helps you to get focused on your goal and it gives you the necessary spur required for its accomplishment. It even helps you to decide what to pack for your Journey into the year. Deciding what you want will also help you scan your friends, past actions that do not add value, old habits e.t.c and remove extra luggage.
"If you really know what you want in life, its amazing how opportunities will come to enable you carry them out" John Goddard.
Personally, I will like to recommend the following areas where you have to decide exactly what you want for the New Year.

Your Relationship
Our world and how far we will go in life is determined by two things, the people you know and what you know. Of these two things, the former is of utmost importance. Your Network in life is determined by your network. Are there relationships or friendships in the past years that you have left idle or that you have allowed to go sour, do you have colleagues in your office that you have refused to talk to or have anything to do with? Or worse still, is your marital relationship taking a nose dive. You can decide to heal these relationships this New Year. A little text message, call, I miss you note or gift could help water that acquaintance again. Remember, every one that comes your way in life’s journey is somehow linked to either your success or your failure, but amazingly, the choice is yours. If there are strategic alliances that you have to make in order to achieve your goals this year, start making those friendships immediately. Some persons are your dream helpers, find them do not wait for luck or destiny to bring them to you.

Your Finance

Evaluate your self, were you in Debt last year, how did your savings go? Have you been able to instill the saving habit into your self or are you still struggling with it? I believe you do not expect to remain at the same level of income as you were last year. That would be stagnancy. You then have to create more streams of income for yourself and your family. Create your financial goals and start immediately at it.

Your Health
Though you might think very little can be done in this regard but you are getting it wrong. It takes just a little discipline to lose that tire around your middle. You know those things that you are allergic to; please decide to avoid them. Your spirit and your lofty Ideas need your body to succeed. It could be impulse eating, late night eating, excessive drinking, smoking, drinking cold things e.t.c

Your Education
Personally I think this is the most important area of your life where you have to devote more time to this year. Knowledge is what you know that gives you an edge over others. I call it the law of sharpening your axe.

A trader once went to a trade fair to sell his wares and included in his goods an old dusty violin. On getting there, he placed the old violi8n for sale ands he started off at a 100 cents but nobody wanted to buy from him his old dusty Violin. He reduced the price to fifty cents but still, nobody was interested. Disappointed, he got ready to go home when an old man beckoned on him for the Violin.
The old man dusted the Violin, wiped it clean and started playing a tune on it. The music flowing out of the Violin was so melodious that people started gathering around the 0ld man and the violin to listen to the melody. After playing for a while, the old man held up the Violin and screamed "300 dollars" and rich mans hopping for antiques paid for it; the same Old Dusty Violin.

Pause a little and ask your self what the old man did to the violin that increased its price tremendously. What he simply did was to Dust, Clean, tune the violin after which he capped it up by playing a melodious tune on it to attract possible and worthy buyers. Does this mean that we are paid in proportion to what we know? How true this is.

If you want to move to the next level and make enough income to secure your future and grant you FINANCIAL independence, then you must do a little dusting and cleaning.
Ask yourself these questions; What level am I now, what new thing or new skill, education or training do you think you can acquire that will give you the boost you need. It could be computer training, going back for your Masters Degree, attending a raining on a particula5r area of your weakness e.t.c.
Whatever it is that you have top do, make sure you do not remain at the same level of knowledge when the year closes as well. A word is enough for the wise.

Write Down Your Goals For The Year

Writing down your Personal and Business goals has a way of committing you to its achievement. It cements what is going on in your mind and whenever you set your eyes on your written goals, it drives a home the fact that it must be accomplished.
If it is a very large goal, break it down into sub topics or headlines and write them down in the right order. Then make a list of every thing you think you are going to do to achieve your ultimate goal and then add them to your list of priorities.

Set Reasonable Deadlines And Targets

"A goal is dream with a deadline" it is better to have realizable goals than large and vague goals. If your goals do have deadlines, it helps to awaken the fact that it is possible. All the times I have planned programmes and conferences, nothing falls into place until I fix a date for the Programme. Nobody, corporate body; guest speaker even knows when to help you if you do not know when you need help. If your goal is large, break it down into smaller and achievable goals with set deadlines for their achievement.

Discipline Yourself To Achieve Your Goals

The most frequent reason why most persons do not achieve their goal is procrastination. Procrastination is the grave where opportunities are buried. You have to decide to stick to your goals and more importantly your plans to achieve them.
The first show of discipline is to immediately as you drop this article pick up a writing pad and a pen and simply write down your goals and aspirations for the year if you haven’t. That is your first wrung on the ladder of personal and business success for the year 2009.
Till we meet again, I wish you a Fulfilling New Year as you commit yourself to becoming the solution to your world.

About The Author

Basola A. Victor is the CEO of BASH Concepts International, a Business Solutions firm dedicated to becoming a one stop shop for overall Business Corporate and Personal development.

For Consultancy, please Contact;

Basola A. Victor
P: +234 (0) 703-5121-346, 08078957783