Writers can make a nice living writing online. Freelance writers can not only earn direct income and upfront payments for their work, they can also earn residual income. Both direct payments and residual income have their benefits.Writing for the web isn't like writing for print.
Print markets pay more and those that have previously written for print might be intimidated or offended by the differences in pay for web writing. Writing for the web can actually bring in more income than print writing, over a period of time, for the same article, where the print article would be a one time payment.If you are looking for a one time payment for your writing on the web, there is always a market for writers to write and sell their work.
There are many clients who will outright purchase your work, some that will simply pay for using your article, some who will give you a byline, and some that won't give a byline.
A good place to check for daily freelance writing jobs is Deb Ng's Freelance Writing Gigs at http://www.freelancewritinggigs.com.
Often however, a client will want full rights to the article or articles. In the past, this was known as selling away your copyright. Today, it's better known as ghostwriting. The problem with this type of writing is that once you sell it, it's no longer yours. You can't claim it, use it as a sample, make any further profit from it, etc. It belongs legally to the one you sold it to, even if you wrote it for a mere $5 fee. Some see no problem with this. Some see it as selling yourself very short.
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